Tag Archives: school sad backpack term autumn bug back to school

The Bug is Back


It’s here. It’s back for another year, to fulfill our worst nightmares.
Yes, the Back to School Bug has arrived. With August starting, quite, miserably to be honest, with drizzly weather and barely a peek of blue sky in sight; Autumn is definitely in the air.
This is the month where we have to start thinking about buying, eugh, school supplies and a school bag, ready to start the new school year ready. Hmmph.
I mean, already I have my backpack. How depressing. Trust me, it’s lovely and all (cream with red, blue, green and yellow polka dots) but just looking at it and I can sense the feeling of boredom and despair one usually gets from say, sitting in a classroom on a Monday morning. And that makes me want to break down in tears and vow never to return to school again.
I don’t HATE school, in fact I quite like it with all the craic that goes on, but the problem is this is GCSE year, and alreadt our teachers have started our courses. I mean give us a break, pleeeeease!

But, looking forward, there is still a full month of summer to suck the joy from until it turns to September 1st (where I would much rather be boarding the Hogwarts Express. Hehe.) and our dull demeanors return.
And to all you worriers, there’s still plenty of time to cram in camp-outs, sleepovers, the cinema, discos, days at the beach (also for me personally, the trip down to Dublin) and more.
Summer’s still here, so we might as well grab it while we can.


*I dont own this image*